Dandruff and Dry Scalp Remedies
Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. Although dandruff isn't contagious and is rarely serious, it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat. The good news is that dandruff usually can be controlled. Mild cases of dandruff may need nothing more than daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser. More stubborn cases of dandruff often respond to medicated shampoos.Dry scalp is due to loss of moisture from the skin and can be caused by the application of soap, strong detergents, cold weather, product build up, hard water, and diet. Dry scalp is a very common condition, which is mostly observed in winter. However, people who work in air conditioned offices can also suffer from a dry scalp. A scalp becomes dry when the oil glands do not produce enough lubrication for the hair strands. Too much use of shampoo also leads to dryness, which can cause itchy scalp. Other dry scalp causes include excessive intake of caffeine, and alcohol, excessive processing of hair, overexposure to heat, pollution, UV rays etc. Sometimes, skin conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis, may also cause severe dry scalp. Dry scalp can occur not only in adults but also in children. Children, more often, end up playing throughout the day and they sweat out a lot. Of course, washing your hair is important but doing it every other day,can lead to a dry scalp.
Symptoms of dandruff vs dry scalp
Symptoms of dandruff
The cause of an itchy scalp may be dandruff, which is white or gray visible flakes falling off the head. The hair may be oily but still the flakes of skin keep falling from the head. They can sometimes be as large as a quarter inch and have an oily feel to them. Another symptom of dandruff can be redness in scalp or irritation that does not go away after a simple washing.
Dry Scalp
Dryness in the scalp can also cause itching. Dry scalp leads to flakes of skin that are white in color fall off in small pieces. This is usually accompanied by dryness on the rest of the body.
Causes of Dandruff and Dry Scalp
Causes of dandruff
For people with dandruff, skin cells may mature and be shed in 2–7 days, as opposed to around a month in people without dandruff. The result is that dead skin cells are shed in large, oily clumps, which appear as white or grayish patches on the scalp, skin and clothes.
1. Uncleanliness: Not washing hair regularly leads to accumulation of dirt and dust in the hair which can trigger off dandruff. Similarly, increased oil production is also one of the causes of dandruff.
2. Skin Diseases: Dandruff can also be caused due to certain skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema. In these conditions, the skin tissues die sooner, giving rise to dry and flaky skin.
3. Nutritional Deficiency: A person's diet is also responsible for dandruff, and not having sufficient amounts of healthy foods can results in it. Consuming foods low in vitamins (A, B, C) leads to nutritional deficiency, which is also one of the major reasons for dandruff. Drinking less amounts of water, and consuming oily and salty foods have also been linked to dandruff formation.
4. Hair Care: Using products containing harsh chemicals, using shampoo and other hair products not suitable to your hair type can also cause dandruff. Blow drying hair frequently or exposing hair to heat frequently (though curlers or straighteners) is another possible cause.
5. Weather: Dandruff can also be caused due to exposure to cold and dry weather. At the same time, exposure to extremely hot climatic conditions, heat, frequent sunlight, etc. can also lead to itchy scalp and dandruff.
6. Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal imbalance caused due to any reason, like the onset of puberty, abnormal functioning of glands, stress, etc., is another reason for dandruff. Stress itself can also lead to mild to severe dandruff in people.
Apart from the aforementioned, following are some more reasons that can result in dandruff in men and women Malassezia, Oily skin/excess oil production, Allergy, Hypersensitivity, Lack of sleep/rest, Head lice, Use of unclean combs/pillows, Sweating, Weakened immune system and Yeast infections.
Common older literature cites the fungus Malassezia furfur (previously known as Pityrosporum ovale) as the cause of dandruff. While this fungus is found naturally on the skin surface of both healthy people and those with dandruff, it was later discovered that a scalp specific fungus, Malassezia globosa, is the responsible agent.
Rarely, dandruff can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to chemicals in hair gels/sprays, hair oils, or sometimes even dandruff medications like ketoconazole. There is also some evidence that food (especially sugar and yeast), excessive perspiration, and climate have significant roles in the pathogenesis of dandruff.
Causes of dry Scalp
An alternation in temperature or humidity causes dry scalp. For instance, in the winter when the heater is on, the scalp is exposed to a drier environment and the result is peeling and flaking.
Some of the most common dry scalp causes are as follows:
1. Excessive use of wrong hair care products is one of the most common causes behind this problem. Shampoos, hair gels and hair sprays with harsh chemical components strip off the moisture and natural oils of the scalp skin and make it dry.
2. Dry scalp can be triggered by dry environmental conditions. There are people who encounter the problem only during cold and dry weather of winter months. On the other hand, those who spend long hours in air conditioned rooms during summer months also face the same problem due to drop in the humidity level of the indoor air.
3. If the scalp is exposed to high temperature, then the skin dries out. It may happen if you take hot bath or shower or use a blow dryer set at a high temperature. Similarly, prolonged sun exposure is bad for the scalp.
4. Hard water contributes to this problem in a big way as the calcium present in the water gets accumulated on the scalp surface and makes it dry.
5. When the body is dehydrated, then it loses out large amount of moisture from the skin surface, which in turn contributes towards dryness of scalp skin.
6. Nutritional deficiency is another major factor responsible for dryness of scalp. Healthy nutrients are needed for proper functioning of sebaceous glands. Those who are suffering from deficiency of zinc, B vitamins or fatty acids are prone to this problem.
7. Dry scalp can be a symptom of a number of health disorders. Seborrhoeic eczema is an inflammatory skin condition triggered by abnormal growth of specific fungus on the scalp surface. Ringworm infection of the scalp can lead to dry, scaly patches on various parts of the scalp. Dry, scaly patches all over the scalp can be a sign of scalp psoriasis too. It is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system increases growth of the new skin cells on scalp. As a result, large number of dry and dead skin cells get accumulated on the scalp, which appear dry and flaky.
Treatment for dandruff vs dry scalp
Dandruff treatment
Anti-dandruff shampoos use a combination of ingredients to control dandruff. Salicylic acid (used in Sebulex) removes dead skin cells from the scalp and decrease the rate at which these cells are created. Zinc pyrithione kills pityrospora (the fungus responsible for dandruff). Selenium sulfide or Ketoconazole achieves the results of both salicylic acid and zinc pyrithione.
Treating Dry Scalp
The easiest and most effective way of treating dry scalp is by having lots of water to re-hydrate your scalp. Natural oils in the hair should be allowed to regenerate by avoiding regular hair wash. A hair oil or a leave in conditioning treatment will let the body adjust to the new level of humidity in a few days and the scalp will return to normal.
Home Remedies For Dandruff
There are a myriad of natural remedies for dandruff. Chemicals in anti-dandruff shampoos have been found to be very harsh on the hair, to the extent of causing excessive dryness, making the hair weak and brittle, and even resulting in premature graying. Natural remedies are therefore suggested, as they are not only good to the hair in that they help the hair gain back its lustrous sheen, but actually help in controlling the condition.
1. Application of aloevera gel on the scalp, ten minutes before shampooing hair, is the simplest home remedy for dandruff.
2. Massage on to the scalp, three tablespoons of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple juice. Allow it to remain for half an hour before you rinse it off.
3. Another effective remedy for dandruff is to mix one tablespoon of olive oil with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Overnight application followed by hair wash with a mild shampoo will definitely help in the long run.
5. Mix together equal amounts of olive oil and almond oil. Apply on the scalp until it starts to burn. Once the burning sensation is experienced, wait for five minutes and wash the hair with a mild shampoo.
6. Crushing 2 aspirin and mixing them with the regular amount of shampoo used has been found to be a very effective method of curing the dandruff problem. This mixture is to be left on the hair for 1-2 minutes before rinsing. However, do ensure that all the shampoo and the aspirin mixed with it has left the hair before drying it.
7. Massage into the scalp either warm coconut oil, margosa oil or castor oil. This should be done slowly in a gentle circular motion. Leave it overnight and wash it off the next day, preferably with a margosa based shampoo for better results.
8. A solution of rosemary leaves soaked overnight in 1 liter of boiled water, and applied after shampooing, works well as a natural remedy.
9. Using the paste of raw onions has also proven to be useful in curing dandruff. The paste is to be applied on the scalp and left on for half an hour, followed by a hair wash. Rubbing lemon into the scalp and rinsing it after the hair wash will help get rid of the smell of onions.
10. Boil an entire white beet root in water. Massage this water into the scalp, every night before sleeping and wash it off the next morning. This is another good natural remedy to cure dandruff.
Keep in mind that in order for these methods to work, you have to perform them regularly for a good amount of time. Don't lose patience and once the dandruff has gone, ensure that you maintain it that way. Dandruff can be embarrassing, and more annoying because of the constant itch and snowfall on your shoulders. So use these preventive methods and treatments to save yourself the embarrassment.
Remedies for Dry Scalp
1. Wash your hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Avoid using a hair dryer on a regular basis, instead let your hair dry naturally.
2. Mix together honey and lukewarm water and massage your scalp with this mixture. Do not apply this frequently, as too much usage of honey will lead to gray hair.
3. Applying milk will also benefit the dry scalp, though the hair may smell milky! Wash your hair thoroughly with water first, and then a shampoo. Do not use a lot of shampoo just to get rid of the smell.
4. Using pure coconut oil is a preferred treatment for dry scalp and also one of the itchy dry scalp remedies. 5. Apply it overnight, and wash your hair with lukewarm water, the next morning. Avoid using hot water to wash your hair, as it can lead to an extremely dry scalp and hair loss.
6. Rub the scalp with a small amount of diluted white vinegar. White vinegar will help to remove the dead cells from the scalp. One of the severe dry scalp remedies is massaging the scalp with pure aloe vera gel. Leave it overnight and wash your hair the next morning.
7. Apply a mask of ripe banana and honey and keep it for 20-30 minutes and then, rinse with cold water. This will help in increasing the moisture of the hair.
8. Make a paste of ground oatmeal mixed with water and massage it into your scalp and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and let the hair dry naturally. This will stop the itchiness.
9. One of the best extremely dry scalp remedies is, to use a moisturizer and leave it for 15 minutes and then, wash your hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Repeat this once or twice in a month. Combing the hair helps to stimulate the scalp.
Dry Scalp Remedies for Children
In case your child is suffering from a dry scalp, using an anti-dandruff shampoo, after every 2 or 3 days, will prove beneficial. However, excessive use of shampoo should be avoided. Including green leafy vegetables in your child's diet is extremely important. Oiling the hair regularly with olive oil or tea tree oil will help moisten the scalp. Alternatively, massaging the scalp with coconut oil will also prove effective. This will also help in increasing the blood circulation to the scalp. Ask your kid to wear a hat or a cap, while he/she is out in the summers or winters. Moreover, see that your child drinks at least 5 to 6 glasses of water daily.
If you're suffering from an itchy dry scalp or an extremely dry scalp, make sure you use these home remedies regularly and in a proper manner. If these dry scalp remedies do not help, consult a dermatologist. In case of severe dry scalp conditions, it would be advisable that you seek medical advice. Keeping healthy and hygienic hair will add one more feature to a beautiful You!
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