Feminine Wash
Vaginal discharge is a common phenomenon among women, causing discomforts due to its side effects such as bad odors, staining the underwear and itchiness or burning sensations. It is important to notice that such vaginal discharges do not indicate that you are suffering from infection or any other problem, and in most cases a simple treatment can help you get rid of this disturbing phenomenon.Vaginal discharge is a common phenomenon among women, causing discomforts due to its side effects such as bad odors, staining the underwear and itchiness or burning sensations. It is important to notice that such vaginal discharges do not indicate that you are suffering from infection or any other problem, and in most cases a simple treatment can help you get rid of this disturbing phenomenon.
How to avoid vaginal infections and inflammations?
The vagina is an area regularly inhabited with good bacteria that can be found in other parts of our body as well. The most common vaginal bacteria is the Lactobacillus, which helps maintaining the acidity (pH 3.5) of the vagina by producing lactic acid that protects the vagina from various infections using anti-bacterial activity. The main reason for itches, discharges, inflammations and infections is the violation of the natural bacterial balance and change in the acidity level, which can be the result of various factors such as antibiotics, a too tight pair of jeans or staying in an unsterile environment.
To avoid itches in the vagina it is recommended to regularly use vaginal wash. intimate wash keeps the pH level balanced and protects the vagina from infections and inflammations.
How should feminine wash be used? Can I use it on a daily basis?
Put a small amount on your hand and apply it on your external vaginal area during a shower, a bath, or in-between time. Afterwards, you should rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry as usual. You can also use a small sponge or a flannel (a washcloth) in applying the feminine wash for more hygienic purposes. As for using a feminine wash on a daily basis, the answer is, go ahead! But make sure that your feminine wash is very gentle and has natural ingredients to make you safe from vaginal pH upset which causes infections.
Is it Safe to Use Feminine Wash Regularly?
Feminine wash products are a popular choice among women for keeping their nether regions feeling fresh and clean. Some women even assert that douching (cleaning the vaginal canal) regularly as frequently as everyday with feminine wash helps prevent the incidence and recurrence of both vaginal and urinary tract infections (UTI). Typically, feminine wash comes pre-mixed, as a combination of vinegar, water, baking soda, and iodine. Sounds innocuous enough, but how safe is it to use on a regular basis? Furthermore, are there any negative side effects for using too much of it?
The answer to the first question depends upon the type of feminine wash being used. Not all formulations of feminine wash are the same, with some being much stronger than others in their ability to kill bacteria. “Some [types] are strong antiseptics, and so could cause a super infection with resistant-fungi and bacteria if used too often and too long.” In the case of a super infection, the resistant fungi and bacteria don't respond to conventional medical treatment, making it that much more difficult to manage and prevent from spreading throughout the vaginal area.
Also, keep in mind that in most cases, both good and bad bacteria can be killed by feminine wash, which could be a disadvantage, because your body needs the good bacteria. An adequate amount of good bacteria (normal vaginal flora) is needed to maintain the acidity of the vagina, which is what maintains your ability to fight and prevent infections in that region. Prolonged use of feminine wash especially the stronger types can change the acidity of your vagina, and can make you more vulnerable to infections.
However, there are other types of feminine wash that are more mildly formulated with moisturizer added, which, according to Alvior, are safer for prolonged use. To that end, he advises not to use feminine wash everyday, although using a mild formulation a few times a week is okay for women with no symptoms or infections. If you have symptoms, however, and would prefer to use a stronger antiseptic formula, Dr. Alvior recommends using it no longer than one week. Finally, he cautions that scented variants of feminine wash could cause irritation from allergy. Added scents of any type are usually made of phthalates, which have been shown to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and an endocrine disruptor (interferes with your hormones).
Rarely, the douching process can actually cause the infection to spread. While cleaning or rinsing, the force of the water can sometimes move the bacteria further up the vaginal canal and into the uterus. Take your time and try to stay gentle when douching. As tempting as it may be, save the pressure washing for the car.
If you're simply looking to maintain everyday cleanliness and prevention of infections, and have no symptoms, your healthiest bet is simply mild soap and water. More specifically, Dr. Alvior suggests using an unscented and hypoallergenic cleansing bar and/ or lotion. It's convenient, affordable, and safe enough to use everyday.
Finally, if you're trying to pregnant, doctors caution against using feminine wash unless absolutely necessary. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, douching may interfere with your chances of becoming pregnant. If you also have a history of endometriosis, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), or bacterial vaginosis, or other recurring infections, consult with your doctor about healthier alternatives to feminine wash that are safe to do while trying to conceive.
• Always wipe front to back to prevent bacteria from getting into your vagina.
• Be gentle! It's a very fragile area and you don't want to get a cut or an infection.
• Be careful when washing your vagina, its not a race. Don't rush. Take your time because you don't want to irritate your skin.
• If you're concerned about a persistent, strong odor in your vaginal area, visit your gynecologist. Your gynecologist can test you for an infection and can prescribe an appropriate medication or topical cream if you need one. You can also talk to your gynecologist if you're worried about odor and cleanliness.
• Vaginas aren't meant to smell like baby powder or fields of flowers. If you're really worried about how you smell, it's okay to talk to your partner about it. You'll probably find out that everything is fine. And if your clean scent is a turnoff, maybe you need a new partner.
• To prevent odor, make sure that you wipe the area around your clitoris with toilet tissue every time you urinate. Urine and vaginal secretions can accumulate in this area and can give you that not-so-fresh feeling.
• Heavy perfume is a no-go!
Myotcstore Related Products:
Fds Shower fresh feminine wash - 13 ozSummers Eve delicate blossom feminine wash for sensitive skin - 15 oz
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Vagisil Feminine Wash With pH Balance - 12 oz